The band started with Damir B. (Mr.T) & Oskar N. (Mr.L) making demos together in 2001 without a specific name and in the video below you can listen to the first songs T & L jammed on togeher at T´s house in 2001.
The Idea behind the music was to mix all kinds of musical genres and express their faith in Christ through the lyrics without saying ”Jesus” in every sentence… Also many instrumental songs have been recorded so and they like to leave ”the beauty in the eye of the beholder” so to speak and not always be straight forward on what it´s all about…
Anyways in 2002 Marko K. (Mr.R) joined the band who they both previously had played together with in another band called The Reclaimed (Swe) and they now played their first show at Café Choklad (Pingstkyrkans Källare) in Motala 22/11/2002: and below is a clip from the show:
First demo ”Give It All Or Give It Nothing” was released shortly after in early 2003: